The PRIT began working in July 2018, to synthesize and prioritize recommendations to reform the Probation Department and submit a comprehensive work plan for reform to the County Board of Supervisors. That work has been completed and provided to the Board of Supervisors and has led to the creation of the Probation Oversight Commission.
Here are the goals that the PRIT had:
Develop a structure for the POC that reflects its mandate to 1) Provide ongoing oversight of Probation policies and procedures and their collective impact on the community; 2) Support systemic reform that results in better outcomes for juveniles and adults under the departments’ supervision; and 3) Improve transparency and public accountability of the department through robust community engagement and independent investigations.
Gather and synthesize existing recommendations into a comprehensive work plan for reform to be reflected in a departmental strategic plan.
The PRIT will not collect any new recommendations and will not conduct any of the oversight functions of the POC.
The PRIT will dissolve after completing these tasks and the POC will emerge as a permanent body. To see the mandates and functions for the PRIT and the POC, click here.
Our Goals
Defines the Structure of the Probation Oversight Commission (POC) and a Blueprint for Reform.
Transforms the Probation Commission (PC) to the Probation Oversight Commission.
Synthesizes/Prioritizes Existing Recommendations to Reform the Probation Department.
Drafts a Plan for Reform to be Reflected in the Probation Department’s Strategic Plan.
- Draft Board policy reflecting POC’s independence and draft ordinances that define POC’s oversight authority
- Develop a Mission Statement for the POC
- Expand oversight of current Probation Commission to include adults
- Develop structure of POC mirroring the Sheriff’s Civilian Oversight Commission
- Provide the POC with access to information, a vehicle to conduct investigations, and a mechanism to conduct facilities inspection
- Require the POC to operate in a transparent manner by embracing robust community engagement
- Develop guidelines for qualifications of POC Commissioners, staff and other appointees
- Draft agreements between Office of Inspector General (OIG), Probation Department, and POC
Ensures Transparency and Public Accountability of the Probation Department.
Conducts Investigations
Provides Active Oversight/Monitoring.
Secures Robust Community Engagement.
- Ensure reform efforts are initiated and institutionalized throughout the Probation Department
- Provide periodic reports on status of reform to the Board and Community
- Make recommendations to the Board and advise the Probation Department on operational policies/procedures and systemic issues in service delivery or outcomes for juveniles and adults
- Request information from the Probation Department regarding issues which the POC monitors for the Board
- Direct the OIG to conduct investigations and supervise/evaluate all work performed by the OIG for the POC
- Serve as liaison and mediator between Probation Department and community
- Ensure public access to information and engage the community meaningfully, including hosting town halls and forums
- Provide a forum for submission of complaints by residents/stakeholders