Community Input
Kick-Off Meeting

- Focus on the words of the community with progressive proactivity
- Priorities/vision----policy changes and system of reform to be in place to model a robust system for what to do to help true reform
- More programming and less incarceration or violations, more usage of CBOs as alternatives for youth development, intervention and diversion
- My priority is to first and foremost keep our kids safe, to divert youth away fro probation systems in every way possible and to enable the community to rehabilitate our youth and adults in cases where diversion is not possible. I want to see complete, meaningful reform that structures probation systems to address healing and rehabilitation of complex human beings
- Juvenile camp consolidation, too many youth incarcerated, length of probation terms, overhaul of JJCPA plan, Probation contracting barriers, too many Probation staff given the number of youth on probation/incarcerated
- Mindful, thoughtful, comprehensive culturally inclusive of youth and family, community centered approach to supporting youth/young adult development, transition process, job readiness, and pipeline to success (as defined by youth) economic prosperity for young people and their futures. Policy reform to completely abolish youth incarceration practice and promote intervention/prevention practices to lead youth/family/community into of success
- Professionalism and training for staff, community involvement (Whittier)
- Support continued reform of the Probation Dept. number provided

- Interested and concerned about the quality of the reform measures being offered by this body. Our community is frequently engaged in reforming the criminal justice system. By reforming of bail and implementing a pre-trial assessment that works for the residents of LA County communities. Our communities are strongly invested in all reforms affecting our neighborhoods
- Impacted member of the community, family reunification, employment prep, transition housing, placement, employment to sustain living in Los Angeles
- To see positive change in the Probation system
- Complete elimination of all justice related fines and fees, especially cash bail
- Generate justice in my community
- CBO leader
- I see the POC having more power that Sheriffs oversight committee, actively monitoring transparency, subpoena power etc They work for the community
- Interested in ensuring that those who are directly impacted by Probation are continuously a part of the conversation
- I am here because its’ my passion to help reform the Probation and Parole department, to give back to my community, to assist with the evolution of this reform and to be a voice for my people/community
- Provide school based mentorship for probation/at-risk of probation youth. A community of over 350 mentors in LA, we partner with some of the most innovative organizations such as NETFLIX and BUZZ FEED, TOYOTA etc. MANTORSHIP
- Improved outcomes for disconnected youth, culturally competent support services for offenders, self-actualization of offenders priorities, intelligent diversion of juvenile offenders, approaches that humanize offenders
- After care, healing , represent a voice of returning citizens work opportunities
- Positive change made to the Probation Dept. that will provide resources and fair treatment. The fines mandated by Probation office cause unnecessary strain and stress upon individuals
- To see transparency and enhanced engagement of community partners and residents
- Working specifically to reform the juvenile Probation department by repurposing detention facilities into spaces of opportunity and spaces that satisfactorily reduce recidivism rather than increase it
- Reducing the bail schedule that has been set by trial Judges (focused on misdemeanors and non-violent felonies)
- Was in probation as a youth, would like to see different youth practices to empower youth
- To see currently incarcerated and recently released individuals are involved in the determination of what types of POC functions are established and/or how pre-existing goals should be modified
- Probation to be the leader in re-entry efforts throughout LA County
- Too many family friends and neighbors have been highly impacted by probation stipulations that are very grievous to actually live-do-fulfill. Disparities are quite evident based upon demographics socio-economics and available information/insights of the Probation Dept.
- For Probation to 1. make sure all persons sign up to vote (register) and 2. Provide readily services to women who have children with childcare, waive all fees
- A robust commission as a resource not an obligation or burden for serving youth and adults well
- To decrease the criminalization of youth and adults and for real true rehabilitation w/ re-entry resources for those plagued with this system against black and brown people.
- Work county-wide with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated youth who live in Koreatown and Silverlake. De-incarceration strategies, strong guidance for civil rights protections, meaningful community ownership structures for oversight
- A robust oversight Commission that can empower real change and support the department and county to achieve it
- Financial cost of surveillance tools, ankle monitors for probation, pretrial services need for cultural competency and home grown service provider network

- Comprehensive prevention services and resources, diversion, re-entry net-work in county that meets the needs of the number of adult and youth probationers. Close youth camps and detention centers and replace risk assessments and tools with meaningful services and guidelines rehabilitation and safety
- More transparency of Probation Dept. effective oversight, i.e. control and budget, better staff accountability, training, more attention to mental health needs of both juveniles and adults, all of the above informed by my experience
- I have a huge interest in how oversight of the Probation Dept. is enacted. As far as a priority, any meaningful level of civilian oversight. This department has been broken for decades
- Advocate and family member of probationers, hope a Probation Dept. that is the leader in re-entry helping people to clear records and connect to real services while on probation
- New robust hiring, training and promotional processes, leadership development within our county building/funding community based services. Authentic oversight with consequences
- Government leader

- I have focused the last 10 years on organizational effectiveness. My passion and purpose is to lend my efforts and expertise in a different industry to ensure that the youth of our county are served to help them correct their lives and become a productive part of our society
- Making sure Probation Officers are well informed about the resources for their clients., those resource are funded and that there is accountability for government agents as well as the human factor that often seems to be missing when discussions are made that affect people’s lives, families and entire communities
- Leverage the role of the arts in contributing to probation reform efforts, improving outcomes for probation involved youth and adults and improving our communities
- Treat youth with respect and dignity. End use of pepper spray on youth. This will help build trust with Department Probation Officers plus their safety will increase
- I want to see constant progress measured by improved lives. Services that are specific to the needs of folks

- Court services, improved data, stronger partnerships between Probation and community through transparency
- Review probation budget, identify dollars to divert directly to community for prevention and intervention, end school-based probation program, with decrease in youth incarceration, review juvenile probation personnel, ensure that all practices in juvenile hall/camps respect fundamental human rights
September 25, 2018, Mission and Community Engagement Mandate of POC
October 17, 2018 Probation Organizational Structure Mission Vision Values
October 25, 2018
November 14, 2018 Powers of the Probation Oversight Commission
December 12, 2018 Power of the Probation Oversight Commission
January 1, 2019 Structured Decision Making